
Contact our team to prepare a customized estimate for your next location in Moultrie, Georgia. We have built strong relationships with our utility providers to get your company the lowest possible pricing and best customer service.


Colquitt County is located atop one of the most productive aquifers in the United States and has a virtually unlimited supply of water. The city’s wells have a total pumping capacity of 9.2 MGD with 1.65 million gallons of elevated storage. A 5,000 gallon elevated storage tank is approximately 4,000 feet from the proposed site.


Sewer service is provided by the City of Moultrie and will be available along the South property line. The City is planning a 12-inch force main and lift station to serve the site.


The City of Moultrie provides electricity through the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG), and offers competitive industrial rates within the incorporated areas of Colquitt County. Areas within the unincorporated areas of the county are served by Colquitt EMC and Georgia Power Company. Electric services in excess of 900kW demand are considered “customer choice” and may choose their electric service provider on new sites. Based on the information provided, you should have the option of choosing their electric service provider due to the projected average demand of the facility.


The City of Moultrie owns its own natural gas distribution system and purchases gas wholesale from the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia (MGAG). The city offers gas coverage within the incorporated areas of the City of Moultrie and would be the gas service provider for the Traylor sites.


The City of Moultrie recently completed a 155 mile, 870 MHz two-way hybrid fiber/coax broadband network infrastructure in and around the City of Moultrie, Georgia. The City provides the following services to residential and commercial customers: Video or Cable Television Services; (b) High Speed Data & Internet Access; (c) Telephony; (d) Distance Learning; and (e) Energy Management.

Windstream is the telephone service provider for Moultrie and Colquitt County. Alternate service is available to all areas of the City through a fiber sonet ring configuration. Windstream has a central office in Moultrie with two high speed switches, which will insure constant service in our community. Windstream also offers the following data services from our local office: OC48, OC3, T1, T3, GS3, Digital Data, ISDN, ADSL, 56 Switched, Internet services.

Please contact us at 229.985.2131 with any specific utility questions regarding the facility or Colquitt County.


Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority
31 E Central Ave

Moultrie, GA 31768

Business Hours

Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 5 PM

Contact Us

Phone :
(229) 890-5455