Development Authority Receives UGA Leadership Initiative Resources

July 28, 2021 (Moultrie, Ga.) – A University of Georgia leadership initiative will partner with seven new organizations over the next year to develop leaders equipped to address critical issues in communities across Georgia. The Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority, in partnership with Colquitt Count Schools, is among the selected organizations.

The J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, a unit of UGA Public Service and Outreach, developed the Innovations in Community Leadership Initiative in 2020 with private funding donated by members of the Fanning Institute Advisory Board, most notably a lead gift from the James L. Allgood Family.

Through the initiative, the institute provides resources and technical support to communities and organizations in Georgia seeking to enhance their leadership development efforts.

“Strong communities must have leaders from all walks of life who can identify challenges and know how to build the right team to affect change,” said Matt Bishop, director of the Fanning Institute. “The Innovations in Community Leadership Initiative allows us to support communities who share this commitment, but lack the resources needed to make it happen.”

With this support from the Fanning Institute, the Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority will be developing soft skills training program for the school system that that will be taught with a specific focus on leadership development.  Barbara Grogan, President of the Development Authority, and Timothy Hobbs, Director of the Career Technical and Agricultural Education program for Colquitt County Schools, will serve as project leads, bringing together business leaders and school personnel as needed to create and implement a successful program.

“Understanding many personal skills can be taught through the lens of leadership, we believe faculty members of the Fanning Institute have the expertise, resources, and understanding of how to develop a program to address soft skills for students in Colquitt County Schools,” says Grogan.  “Soft skills cover many topics, such as showing up on time, paying attention, and being engaged and active, which are skills individuals need at all stages of life. Whether a student is in third grade, middle school, high school, is an employee on a job, or simply a member of a family, soft skills enable a person to be actively engaged and participative in their environment.”

Over the next year, the Fanning Institute faculty and staff will work with the Development Authority and the school system to develop and build out the proposed leadership program.

“Our youth are our future workforce, and in time, the impact and benefits of this program will be evident in the community,” says Colquitt County Schools Superintendent Ben Wiggins. “While this program will be specifically designed for Colquitt County, it could very well be a model for other school systems in the future.”

As part of the Innovations in Community Leadership Initiative, communities are expected to sustain and continue the programming over multiple years. Once the program curriculum is defined and the initial cohort underway (expected August 2022), the Development Authority is prepared to secure funding for implementation over future years.


The Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority was established to support, enhance, and expand the economic development base of Colquitt County. Created in 1960 through an amendment to the Georgia Constitution, the Authority is governed by locally appointed board members.

Public Notice: MCCDA Meeting Cancellation

The Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authoirty meeting scheduled for July 7, 2021 has been cancelled.

The Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority Meeting scheduled for August 4, 2021, will be held at the City of Moultrie Downtown Welcome Center, located at 31 East Central Avenue, Moultrie. The monthly Authority meetings will begin 10:30AM and continue until all business is completed.

Have a Commercial or Industrial Property for Sale or Lease? Tell Us!

Do you have 20K, 100K, 500K square feet (or anything in between!) for lease or sale in Colquitt County? If so, the Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority would like to partner with you to advertise the site. The Development Authority is often approached by new and growing businesses in search of commercial and industrial properties. We’d love to connect these leads with our local property owners and landlords. Simply complete the form below to have your property added to our database.

Public Notice: MCCDA Committee Meetings

The Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority will host committee meetings per the following dates, times and locations.  Should you need additional information, please contact Barbara Grogan at (229) 921-1457, or via email at

Business and Site Retention and Expansion Committee
Thursday, February 18, 2021 – 6:00PM
Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority
116 First Avenue SE | Moultrie, GA 31776

Strategic Planning Committee
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 6:00PM
The Soda Fountain
640 North Veterans Parkway | Moultrie, GA 31768

Year In Review: Community Growth Initiatives Highlight 2020

For the Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority (MCCDA), 2020 marked a time for gathering insight and making plans for the future growth of Colquitt County. Eight community growth initiatives highlighted needs on topics ranging from workforce development and transportation, to education and branding.

“By answering tough questions about what might be holding Colquitt County back, we can build a data-driven plan for moving forward.”

“The nature of this past year allowed the Development Authority time to really analyze the needs of our county on many levels. By answering tough questions about what might be holding Colquitt County back, we can build a data-driven plan for moving forward,” says Barbara Grogan, MCCDA president.

In early 2020, the Development Authority partnered with the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government (CVIOG) to conduct a housing and buying power survey. Major findings of the survey demonstrated a desire for more retail and dining establishments, as well as a need for more rental housing options. Survey results provide developers with valuable insight into the needs and wants of the local community.

“We are seeing an uptick in the data requests from housing developers and franchise restaurant developers,” says Grogan. “Being able to respond with up-to-date and credible data helps us match developers with opportunities.”

In another partnership with CVIOG, the MCCDA embarked on a community branding project designed to unite local municipalities and organizations while also telling the story of Colquitt County to visitors, developers, and future residents. After gathering feedback from citizens in a series of brainstorming sessions, one-on-one interviews, and an online survey, the CVIOG team is scheduled to present an initial brand concept next month. Once approved, the Development Authority has plans to release a series of industry recruitment videos and print collateral in the style of the new brand to help attract business and industry.

In April, the MCCDA received a $60,000 grant from the US Economic Development Administration which allowed the Joint Development Authority (JDA), a regional partnership of Brooks, Colquitt, Grady, Mitchell and Thomas counties, to launch a regional workforce pipeline survey. The project focused on industry and community engagement with cross participation among the K-12 and post-secondary institutions serving the region. Over 70 businesses in Colquitt County responded with detailed data. Preliminary findings of the project revealed current workforce trends and future skills needed to ensure our region continues to grow and thrive. The full report will be available in February.

Despite the overlay of the COVID-19 pandemic, which coincided with much of the collection period for the 2020 Census, the Development Authority joined many other local agencies in an effort to encourage census completion.

“We certainly want to do everything can to make sure Colquitt County gets our share of those economic development dollars.”

“For the next 10 years, the federal government will rely on the collected data to help guide distribution of approximately $1.5 trillion annually,” says Grogan. “We certainly want to do everything can to make sure Colquitt County gets our share of those economic development dollars.”

Industrial park enhancements also took a front seat in 2020 when the Development Authority Board approved upgrades to the Moultrie Regional Park (home to Sunbelt Ag Expo, Maule Air, Southern Powder Coating, Georgia Linens, and others) main entrance and directional signage, as well as landscaping improvements there and at Citizens Business Park (site of Sanderson Farms and two additional parcels for sale) off Highway 133. These enhancements began last year and will be completed by summer 2021.

Mid-year, focus shifted to education when Colquitt County Schools Superintendent Doug Howell announced his upcoming retirement. The Development Authority, in partnership with the Colquitt County School Board, engaged the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation’s community development division in a robust parent perspectives project. Data from a combination of surveys, interviews, and a series of public listening sessions reinforced the community’s prioritization of education and resulted in a multi-faceted plan to keep parents involved in the direction of local education.

Complimenting these discussions, the Colquitt County Educational Foundation (CCEF) was formed with support from the Development Authority and community leaders across many sectors. The Foundation aims to create a brighter future for Colquitt County, with the first initiative being an elementary literacy mentoring program. The Foundation is currently accepting applications for two key staff positions, as well as recruiting volunteers and donors. More information can be found at

Looking toward the year ahead, and with the first phase of the Development Authority’s strategic planning completed by ACCG in December, Grogan says “We have some exciting projects in store for 2021, and the solid local participation in our efforts last year really helps us focus on the priorities ahead.” The full strategic plan will be presented mid-2021, and the Development Authority Board is already seeing many of the outcomes from last year’s initiatives already showing a strong correlation with the first phase of the plan.

“We’re on the right track… we’re just thankful to be a part of the efforts that are pushing our great county forward.”

“It means we’re on the right track,” says Grogan. “All in all, we’re just thankful to be a part of the efforts that are pushing our great county forward.”

Public Notice: MCCDA Called Meeting on Thursday, January 14, 2021

There will be a called meeting of the Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority, per the Zoom online communication links below, on Thursday, January 14, 2021. The meeting will be held at 3:00 pm. The meeting is for organizational purposes. For any questions, please contact Barbara Grogan, President, at (229) 921-1457, or via email at

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 7969 0794

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,89579690794# US (New York)
+13017158592,,89579690794# US (Washington D.C)

Public Notice: MCCDA Called Meeting on Tuesday, December 22, 2020

There will be a called meeting of the Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 4:00 pm to discuss a property matter. The meeting will be held at the Development Authority offices, located at 116 First Avenue SE, Moultrie, GA 31776. The meeting may be joined in person, or via Zoom per the information listed below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 0646 0412

One-tap mobile
+13017158592,,85606460412# US (Washington D.C) 13126266799,,85606460412#+US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 856 0646 0412


Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority
116 First Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 487
Moultrie, GA 31776

Business Hours

Monday – Friday
8 AM – 5 PM

Contact Us

Phone :
(229) 985-2131
Toll Free :
(888) 408-4748
Fax :
(229) 890-2638